
[ Ceratophyllum demersum ]

Coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum) is found throughout the United States. Leaves are dark and arranged in whorls on the stem. This plant appears like a typical rooted submersed weed but has no true root structure that holds it in place consequently it can move and amass along wind driven shores.

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Coontail grows completely submerged, usually though not always floating on the surface. The plant stems can reach over a meter in length in the aquarium. The forked leaves feel brittle and stiff to the touch. The plants have no roots at all, but sometimes they develop modified leaves with a rootlike appearance, which anchor the plant to the bottom. It is slower growing at lower temperatures and will form thicker leaves which give it the appearance of a different species. In ponds it forms thick buds in the autumn that sink to the bottom which give the impression that it has been killed by the frost but come spring these will grow back into the long stems slowly filling up the pond.

Fairly tough but long stems will snap if roughly handled. Because of their appearance and their high oxygen production, they are often used in freshwater aquaria. Coontail is a very easy to grow plant that is tolerant of most water conditions and temperatures. It makes an excellent, tough to kill beginner's plant.

Q. What are the best control options?

Herbicide Application:
Hydrothol 191 Granular a broad-spectrum herbicide is very effective. For a liquid solution we recommend Reward Herbicide.

Coontail is really not an attached rooted plant so physical removal is limited to raking. See Water weed rake.

Q. When is the best time to treat?

Once water temperatures are around sixty degrees or warmer and the plants are viable.

Q. How do I actually apply the product(s)?

Granular herbicides can be spread by a small Hand held spreader or can be tossed by a hand scoop. The Reward should be applied by a hand held or Solo Back pack sprayers.

Q. How often do I need to treat Coontail?

Once Coontail is treated it will not grow back but adjacent populations may move back in requiring a secondary treatment

Q. How long before I see results?

Generally within two weeks things will be cleared up.